This course is part of the following programs:
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In this course students will be able to:
Shvetashavatara Upanishad concludes with the following mantra –
यस्य देवे परा भक्तिः यथा देवे तथा गुरौ
तस्यैते कथिता ह्यर्थाः प्रकाशन्ते महात्मनः
Only those great ones who have intense devotion to the Lord and equal devotion to the Guru will fully know the teachings of Vedanta.
In the Vedanta tradition, wisdom is not possible without love for Bhagavan. Love for Bhagavan is not possible without wisdom of Bhagavan. Further, Bhagavan Krishna in the Gita clearly says that of all the four types of devotees, the jnani, the wise person is the dearest to him. In a complete exposition of bhakti, we undertake a journey though Narada Bhakti Sutras, wherein Rishi Narada covers the following topics –
Definition of bhakti.
Importance of renunciation and self-surrender.
Exemplars of divine love.
Bhakti as the highest goal of human life.
How to practice divine love.
The importance of seeking satsanga .
The difference between preparatory and supreme devotion.
The forms of divine love.
The practice of Dharma and worship of God.
In modern-day teaching of Karma and Bhakti, a false binary has been imposed where Karma Yoga is seen as different from Bhakti Yoga. However, in traditional learning with a Guru,
Karma Yoga is incomplete without Bhakti, a love for Bhagavan. Likewise, an expression of Bhakti in Bhakti Yoga is incomplete without karma. Myths regarding bhakti yoga and karma yoga will be dispelled. The course is especially useful for people who want to deepen their bhakti, for people who are inclined to Advaita Vedanta and to see the clear connection between bhakti, devotion and jnanam, wisdom
There will be a minimum of 1 contact hour with one faculty every week. Since this course is conducted traditionally, the meaning of the verses, along with the relevance of the verse in
everyday life, will be shared. Teachings may be supplemented by discussion based on self- study and reflection each week:
a. Disciplines/certain practices will be suggested.
b. Homework assignments pertaining to situations in life will be given from time to time.
c. Meditation – Students may be introduced to different types of meditation that will be helpful to them.
d. One-one session on Zoom may be initiated by the student if required)
While each class will conclude its content within 60 minutes, the discussion time will be free and can continue for an additional 30 minutes maximum. During the course, students will be required to share their reflections and write a short essay. This need not be an academic- quality paper but should be based on students’ self-reflection on what they have learnt and assimilated so far and most importantly how their life is changing in the light of the Shastra.
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